English 1.3.21

This week we will continue our work on instructions.

Here is a link to the plan for the week but I will also upload the links and resources to the website each day. English 1.3.21

Today I would like you to have a go at following some instructions to do some baking. Here is a recipe for flapjacks but you may choose to make something different.  Flapjack Recipe

Please think carefully about each step you do and remember that you will have to teach others how to make it with your instructions.  You may want to ask an adult to take some photos of the steps if you want to do your instructions on the computer that’s fine, or you could print some pictures to go on your work.  You can always draw diagrams too so don’t worry if you don’t have a printer.  

Have fun making something tasty I can’t wait to see what you make.  Tomorrow we will work on the instructions.