Home learning Monday 1st March

Here we go then, with another new week! I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend. Here are Monday’s activities.

Wake Up, Shake Up: Here is a new one for you. You may just want to do the beginning warm-up sequence or join in from about 10 minutes when all of the weather moves get put together. You may also enjoy watching the whole episode! Weather


Today we are revising number bonds. This means numbers that go together to make a certain total. Number bonds are important because once we become confident recognising these pairs of numbers, we can solve maths questions more quickly and move onto higher numbers. Whichever maths group you are in, it is going to help you to have some equipment to help you today such as counters (beads, buttons, dry pasta shapes).

Yellows: Using your toys, can you find different ways to make a total of 6? For example, 1 teddy plus 5 teddies; 2 teddies plus 4 teddies etc. If you have found all possible ways, try reaching a total of 7. You may want to draw your two groups each time to show what you have done.

Greens: Use the sheet to show different ways to make 10. Storeys of 10

Blues: Use your skills to solve this problem. First, tell an adult what these words mean:

digit, even, odd, half, largest

number puzzle


To finish, you may like to join in with this catchy song all about number bonds: number bonds song


Set yourself up with some new spellings. For most of you, the grapheme we are revising this week is ‘ir’. Choose from a suitable spelling list. Only children who find phonics very tricky should be picking the ‘yellow’ words. Look Say Cover grid

yellows: wish, fish, rich, much

greens: girl, bird, dirt, third, it’s (you must have the apostrophe!)

pinks: girls, third, shirt, twirl, swirl,  it’s

purples: whirl, thirty, thirteen, circus, squirt, birthday

Think back to last week when we were talking about algorithms. Can you remember what an ‘algorithm’ was? It means a sequence of instructions to make something work. Have a look around your house for a device which follows a program or needs instructions. Here are some suggestions:

a remote control toy


washing machine

What steps are needed in order to make it do what it needs to do?

Then, read through these steps and put them in the right order so they match the picture of the tower. Answer the questions too. Does it matter what order these instructions are in? Why? Ordering Instructions Home Learning Task


What do you remember about parts of the body? How many can you name without looking at a picture or a list? Today we will look at the body parts of animals. What do animals have that we have? (head, heart, legs etc) If you have a pet, have a think about what body parts it has. What are these different parts for? How do they help the animal?

You may want to print off one of these sheets to describe the body parts of a rabbit. The sheets get harder so choose the most suitable before printing! Alternatively, it is fine to draw a picture of a different animal and label the different body parts. Parts of a Rabbit Differentiated Activity Sheet

You may want to have a go at making a split pin animal: Split-Pin-Pets


First, go through your sounds: Flashcards

Today, we will look at the different ways of writing the ‘ai’ sound. How many can you remember? (ai, ay, a-e) Look at the story and circle/highlight all the words that you find with an ‘ai’ sound in. There are some tricky graphemes in here too. Don’t worry if you didn’t spot them. ai-phoneme-spotter

You may prefer this online version. There is a word sorting game on here too. ai phoneme spotter

Enjoy your day, everyone. x