Monday 1st March

Good morning everyone, welcome to the last week of learning at home.  I cannot wait to see you all next Monday.

Let’s warm our brains up with a little game.  Can you spot the odd and even numbers?  Remember, odd numbers end with 1,3,5,7,9 and even numbers end with 0,2,4,6,8.

Odd or Even Numbers Game

Today, in our maths, we are going to be looking at Carroll diagrams.  We will be sorting information into them.  Have a little look at this PowerPoint and hopefully it should explain all.

Monday Maths PowerPoint

Carroll diagram 1

Carroll diagram 2

Please can you practise your spellings.

I think you all deserve a little break.

Your English work today is all about the the ‘soft c’ sound that you have in your spellings this week.  Have a look at the PowerPoint.

Monday Soft ‘c’ PowerPoint

Here is the sorting activity.

Soft c sorting game

Have you ever tried drawing a SHARK?

Here is some of your spellings as handwriting.

Handwriting 1.3.21

Handwriting paper

Please can you choose a reading comprehension and have a go.  You might want to do some of it today and some tomorrow as there is quite a lot of thinking needed.  As usual, comprehension 3 is the most challenging.

Comprehension 1

Comprehension 2

Comprehension 3


This afternoon, we are going to continue our topic work on Africa.  Today I would like you to find out a little ore about the amazing country of Kenya.  Have a little look at this PowerPoint.

Information about Kenya PowerPoint

The was one thing I didn’t show you, can you guess what it is?  The Kenyan flag.  I would like you to research what the Kenyan flag looks like and draw it yourself.    If you have time, you could find out what the colours and pictures mean.  Remember to always use a safe search and type ‘for kids’ when you research.  That way you get the information that is right for you.


I hope you have a wonderful day, let me know how you are getting on,

Mrs Pope x