Home learning Friday 26th February

I cannot believe it’s Friday again! Where has this week gone?! Here are our activities for Friday.

Wake Up, Shake UpPirate

Spelling Test: Ask an adult to test you on this week’s spellings. Write your score in your spelling folder if you have it.


Part 1

Can you remember what ‘tempo’ means? Tempo describes the speed of the music. Listen to the music on this video, if possible without looking at the pictures: different pieces – tempo Think about each piece of music as you listen. Is it fast, slow or somewhere in between? Does the piece of music make you think about a particular animal that moves at that pace? If so, what animal? Why?

Listen to the pieces again, this time watching what is on the screen too. Were the animals the same as any you thought of?

As you listen, see if you can name any of the instruments you hear.

Part 2

The other day we were thinking about different weather types. Think again about some of these different weathers. Can you use body percussion to try and make these sounds? For example, what noise could you make to sound like thunder? Maybe stamping. How about the pitter patter of rain? Clapping? Clicking? Try to be creative with your ideas and come up with different suggestions for each weather type. Practise making these sounds. Can you get louder? Can you get quieter?


Do you remember that the Bible is in two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament? This is a story from the Old Testament and is important to Christians because it teaches them a message. If your child was in school yesterday, we read a very short version of this story so they may remember some details. Have a watch of ‘Jonah and the Whale’ to start with: Jonah and the Whale

Have a chat about the story and see if you can answer these questions. You do not need to write anything!

What did God want Jonah to do?

How did Jonah feel at the beginning of the story? Why?

Why did God get cross with Jonah? How did God show he was cross?

What happened to Jonah when he went into the water?

How do you think Jonah felt when he was swallowed by the whale?

What did he decide to do when he was inside the whale?

What did Jonah do when he was spat out of the whale?

How did he feel at the end?

What do you think this story teaches Christians about God? (This is quite tricky. It teaches them that God is powerful and can see what is going on. It teaches Christians that God needs to be obeyed but that He will forgive them if they make the wrong choice and say sorry.)


There is no English and maths today, but if you would like an English task then you could always write your own kenning about a friend or a family member. If you would like a maths activity, then try to solve this puzzle:

On Friday afternoons, the children have choosing time. Enjoy playing with your toys, go for a walk or play in the garden!

Have a super weekend, everyone.

Mrs Garcia x