Home learning Thursday 25th February

Hello, everyone. How are you all? Here are our activities for Thursday.

Wake Up, Shake UpBig, Blue Whale


Starter: You’ve probably noticed that by now you may be confident counting in certain multiples but may struggle with one in particular. For most of you, this may be counting in 5s. Focus on the counting that you find more tricky for a few minutes and repeat counting in that multiple at least three times to build your confidence. Use the 100 square to highlight the multiples and talk about the pattern that you see. What would come next if you carried on counting? How do you know? 100 square

Today we will be sharing again. You may now be noticing how counting in multiples (‘lots/groups of’) can help you to check that you have shared fairly. For example, many of you could probably tell me straight away that if you had 10 cakes and you shared them with your best friend, you would each have 5 because you know that 5+5 makes 10 or that two lots of 5 make 10.

Yellows: Look at the little cards and and share spots between the bugs. You may want to draw the spots on. If you have any playdough at home, you may find it fun to use little playdough balls as the spots. Spotty Bugs

Greens and blues: Read the questions really carefully and solve them. Be careful as some of the questions are asking you to share and some of them are asking you to count in multiples. It will help you to have some practical equipment to use such as counters (buttons/beads/dry pasta shapes) and you may like to have some scrap paper handy so you can do drawings to help too. Sharing and Combining


If you did not finish your kenning from Tuesday, you may need to continue working on it. There was a lot to think about with this task so it’s understandable if you didn’t quite finish. Make sure you are happy with your kenning about your chosen animal. You may want to draw a picture of it but remember that your picture needs to match the ideas that you have used.

Can you remember what a noun is? Have a watch of the video that explains common and proper nouns and try the activities: nouns

Can you list some nouns? Think carefully about which ones would need capital letters! noun hunt


For the next few weeks we will be looking at how to program something using a series of basic instructions. When we tell a computer or a gadget to do something, we use something called an algorithm. This just means a sequence of steps or instructions that are in the correct order to make something happen. You may recognise some of the steps in this video from when we were learning about instructions in English. What is an algorithm?

Do you remember using the Bee Bots (the small yellow bug robots) and commanding them to move? When you pressed the buttons on the Bee Bot in a certain order, the Bee Bot followed your instructions and moved in the directions you had told it to. It is important that instructions are in the right order, or sequence; otherwise, the program will not work. Think about a set of traffic lights. These lights have been programmed to follow a sequence even though nobody is making them change. They have been given a ‘loop’ command so that the sequence repeats itself over and over again.

There are a few activities to choose from here. You can do as many as you like.

Order the traffic light pictures to show the correct sequence: traffic_lights

Stick the arrows in the correct places to show how the mouse would get to the cheese each time: mouse and cheese

This is an online activity where you need to put steps in the correct order to bake a cake. It is a bit harder than the other activities but is an excellent introduction to coding: Code a Cake


Have a run through of the tricky word trucks (phases 3, 4 and 5): Tricky Word Trucks

Today we are looking at different ways to write the ‘igh’ sound. How many can you remember? (igh, ie, i-e, i). You may also know that ‘y’ can sometimes make this sound too, like in ‘sky’.

Look through the story and highlight the words that contain an ‘igh’ sound. -altspellings-igh-phoneme-spotter

You may prefer to do this online. There are word sorting games to try too. alternative spellings igh

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Mrs Garcia x