Thursday 25th February

Good morning, Year 5!


LO: To know the difference between fact and opinion and to write facts in a formal tone. 

Please watch this clip on whether statements are facts or opinions. fact/opinion

The non-chronological reports you write next week will be based on facts. To get used to writing facts with a formal tone, I’d like you to think of 8 – 10 fact based sentences that you might use in your report next week. You can use all of the information you have looked at this week; layers of the rainforest, animals, tribes, deforestation, general facts about the rainforests, etc. I have also included a word mat here with lots of sentence openers you could use – these will help with that formal tone. I would like you to include 1 or 2 sentences with statistics in them, please eg fractions or percentages. There were quite a few examples in Monday’s and Wednesday’s reading comprehensions. My sentence example is: Surprisingly, 50% of the world’s plants and animals live in the rainforest. Report-sentence-openers word mat

Finally, I would like you to revise the past, present and future tenses in this Quiz

Reading comprehension: Enjoy this fiction comprehension, choose the one which is best for you. You’ll find lots of opinions here rather than facts. Rainforest fiction