Wednesday 24th February

Good morning everyone.

I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday.  Let’s get a little more home learning started…warm up those amazing brains with a little multiplication.

Times table Mash up!

Today, for your maths I’d like you to do some estimating and weighing.   I’d like you to choose 10 items from around your house.  Then I’d like you to estimate (or make a clever guess) how much you think each of them weigh.  Remember to write the grams (g) when you are writing a weight.

Next, get your kitchen scales. Look very carefully at how they work.  Do they have a dial or face like a clock?  If so, what are they counting in?  How do you work out how much something weighs?  If you have digital scales, how do they work? Are they measuring in grams or kilograms? Remember, both types of scales have to be set to 0 before you begin weighing, how do you do this?

Once you have estimated how much your items might weigh, and have written it in the chart below, get weighing.  Remember to write g or kg when you write your weight down.  Here is the sheet for you to use if you want to but you could easily draw this chart on paper at home and save some printing ink.

Wednesday mass chart

Here is a little brain break, following on from the aliens story yesterday!


For your English today, I would like you to have a look at this PowerPoint. You will need some colouring pencils and a piece of paper.

Life Cycle PowerPoint

Please can you practise your spellings.

You could try ‘ghost’ writing them.  Write your spellings in white crayon, then colour over the top in felt tip pen.

Please can you have a little read, here is a comprehension all about a very famous scientist called Marie Curie.  See if you can find out why her discoveries were so important.  As always, comprehension 3 is the most tricky.

Marie Curie Comprehension 1

Marie Curie Comprehension 2

Marie Curie Comprehension 3

This afternoon is our science afternoon.  Please can you share this PowerPoint with someone at home.  Have a think about what all living things can do.

Wednesday Science PowerPoint

Now I would like you to sort these cards into 3 groups.

Living                           Dead                         Never been alive

Living, Dead or Never Alive Sorting Cards

Our ‘Show and Tell’ is going to be at 2.30 on Friday this week.  I have sent an initiation to your school email address. I hope you can make it.

I hope you all have a really lovely day today.

Let me know how you het on or if there is anything you need.

Mrs Pope x