Tuesday 23rd February

Good morning everyone, how are you all today? I hope you all settled back into your home learning yesterday! Here is what we are doing today.


Morning activity

This morning I have a challenge for you… I want you to write your name in as many different ways as you can. So you could write it big, small, normal size, backwards, down the page, rainbow writing, bubble writing etc. How many different ways can you think of to write your name?


Letters and Sounds

Tuesday 23rd



I hope you all managed to get to grips with writing number sentences for adding on one more yesterday.

Today we are going to be adding slightly bigger numbers. You will need some blocks, beads, pasta or something that you can easily move around to work out the answers.  If we were doing this in school, then we would do it the following way.

For example, 5 + 4 =

What is the first number? 5 Get 5 counters out and put to one side.

What is the second number? 4 Get 4 counters and put them in another pile away from the first lot.

Then we need to see how many we have altogether, so put all the counters together and count up how many you have.

We now have 9 counters – that’s your answer! Write it after the equals sign.

There is a list of number sentences for you to work the answer out for below. If you don’t have a printer then you could just read these on the screen and work out the answer. The most important thing for today is to look carefully at the number sentence and make sure that you are adding up the correct numbers using your resources.

Addition to 10


Afternoon activity

This half term we are going to start learning about animals! My favourite animal is a red panda – what is your favourite animal and have you ever seen one?

Last half term when we were learning about vehicles, we sorted them out into vehicles that went in the water, on land and in the sky. Well today we are going to do the same with animals! So, I would like you to sort animals into groups according to whether they can walk, fly or swim. You can either print off the picture cards below (there are lots, so maybe don’t print all of them! And please ignore the first page with the animal descriptions on.) or if you have any toy animals at home you could sort those out instead.

At the end you should end up with 3 groups of animals – ones that fly, ones that walk, slither or hop etc. and ones that swim. Some of the animals might fit into more than one category too!

Animal Groups Sorting Cards



Enjoy this story by Oliver Jeffers – he is one of our house authors!


Have a brilliant day everyone, I’m looking forward to seeing what you have all been up to.


Miss Roberts x