Home learning Tuesday 23rd February

Hello everyone. Here are our activities for Tuesday.

Wake Up, Shake UpPizza Dough Boogie


Starter: Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s again. See if you can do it without the 100 square this time. Go backwards too if you are confident.

Today we will be using our skills of counting in multiples to solve sharing problems. What does it mean to share? What about sharing fairly or equally? Do some practical sharing with an adult or family member. You could share books, fruit or teddies! What happens if you share 6 teddies between two people? What about 8? Work your way up to sharing 16 between two. If you are able to share between three people, then share out 6, 9, 12 and 15 items. Please don’t get into ‘leftovers’ or remainders! Sharing out using the ‘one for me, one for you’ approach works well.

Yellows and greens for maths: Place the spots on the ladybirds to find out how many they have each. Sharing Spots

Blues for maths: Have a careful look to see how many friends are sharing each time! Share with Friends

Enjoy watching this clip from the Sooty Show! Sharing Pies


Today we are going to do some digital art using a programme on the internet. The pictures or images that we see on a computer or TV screen are made up of pixels. Pixels are little squares of colours. Look at the picture of the fish below. Can you see the little squares and how each one is a colour? All of the little squares together make the big picture that we see. Our art work today involves using little squares or pixels to make a picture or design.

An image of a goldfish made up of large squares. It looks low-resolution.

Click on this link to access the free art software and copy the design. Click ‘check’ when you are done. You can also change the picture to copy: mosaic


Did you have fun with the kennings yesterday? What can you remember about those poems? (two words on each line, the second word ended with ‘er’) Hopefully, you had success with your own kenning yesterday all about you and managed to come up with some of your own ideas too. Today, we will think about an animal that we can write a kenning about.

Start by thinking about what you favourite animal does. Write a short list of verbs (at least 4). So if I was doing this for a cat, I might choose from this list of verbs:

A cat can:

hunt, catch, climb, drink, prowl, purr, scratch, eat, sleep

Next, choose your favourite verbs (at least 4 but no more than 8) and add ‘er’ to the end of them. For example: hunter, catcher, climber, drinker, prowler, purrer, scratcher, eater, sleeper

Then, think of a noun to add in front of each of the ‘er’ words. For example:

Bird hunter

Mouse catcher

Tree climber

Milk drinker

See if you can do this with your favourite animal in mind and compose your own kenning using this structure.


First, go through the flashcards: Flashcards

Can you remember the different ways of writing the ‘ee’ sound that you found yesterday? Read through the words and then sort them into groups depending on their spelling. ee-sorting-words


Our geography topic this half term is weather. How many different types of weather can you name? Spend about two minutes telling an adult everything you know already about weather. What is the weather like today? Can you keep a record of the weather every day for the next week? Remember to make a note of the date and then draw or write what the weather is like. You may want to have a look at this to see the kind of thing I mean, or to use the template: weather diary

Have a great day everyone.

Mrs Garcia x