Tuesday 23rd February

Good morning everyone, I hope you had a brilliant day yesterday.  Hopefully it won’t be long until we are all back in school now.  It will be so lovely to see you all, we really miss you all.

Let’s warm our maths brains up a little…

Make your own fruit smoothie with your maths skills!  practise your number bonds for 10, 20 and 100 using addition and subtraction.  You can choose which you need to practise most.

Smoothie Maths

For our maths today, we are going to focus on reading scales.  Have a little look at the PowerPoint then choose the sheet that suits you best.

Maths PowerPoint

Reading scales sheet 1

Reading Scales sheet 2

Reading Scales sheet 3


Brain Break time!

For our English today, we are going to continue to look at the special vocabulary or technical language we need to write an explanation about the life cycle of a frog. Have a little look at the PowerPoint and see if you can sort out the mess I have made!!

Tuesday PowerPoint

Vocabulary matching sheet

Have a little watch of this amazing metamorphosis.

Please can you practise your spellings.

You could practise them while practising your handwriting at the same time.

Blue and Green Handwriting

Yellow Handwriting

Handwriting paper

This afternoon we are going to continue with our new topic based on Amazing Africa.

Have a little look at this PowerPoint.

Introduction to Africa PowerPoint

Today I would like you to make a puzzle.

Print out the picture of the continent of Africa below. Cut around the continent then cut it up into 10 or so largish pieces.  Don’t cut tiny pieces, it makes the puzzle very tricky indeed. Muddle up the pieces of your Africa jigsaw and then see if you can put them back together again.  As you are doing this, look closely at the names of the African countries.  Are there any you recognise?  Can you beat your parents at doing this?


I have sent out another invitation to the next chapter of The Owl who Was Afraid of the Dark to your school email address.  Hopefully we will see you at 2.30.

Have a lovely day everyone.

Mrs Pope x