Monday 22nd February, 2021

I hope you have all had a lovely half term.

Today it is English, Maths and French.


This week we are looking at a poem by Joshua Seigal. First of all listen to Joshua Seigal’s five top tips on how to write a poem and then listen to one of his poems. The poem is called I Don’t Like Poetry.

We are going to be looking at some of the things he has mentioned in his poem like similes, metaphors and onomatopoeia. We will then use them to write our own poems.

First, look at the PowerPoint below.

Similes and metaphors

Now, try task one and some of task two on the worksheet below.

similes and metaphors


This week I would like you to talk about colours in French. Look at the clip below and then try the French colours quiz.

French colours


Today, we are looking at mental methods for addition.

In the following calculations, first add the 100s and then add the 10s.

Challenge 1

a.  528 + 130 =     b. 562 + 150 =    c. 591 + 210 =    d. 645 + 260 =     e. 673 + 220 =

Challenge 2

a. 975 + 130 =     b. 843 + 250 =     c. 961 + 270 =     d. 982 + 320 =     e. 1005 + 340 =

Some of you might like to try these calculations.

Challenge 3

a. 1150 + 365 =    b. 1270 + 424 =    c. 1320 + 487 =    d. 1390 + 538 =   e. 1450 + 527=