
This half term we are starting a new unit on geography.  This unit is all about mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, so it should hopefully be a good, exciting topic to get stuck in to.

For lesson 1, its going to be a lot of talking and discussion, so hopefully you can find an adult to help you.

The first thing I’d like you to do is look at the world map.  Spend time exploring the map, can you find and name all of the 7 continents and the 5 main oceans?  Have a good look at some country names.  Can you remember any densely populated countries we talked before Christmas? Can you remember any sparsely populated countries? Can you find really large countries?  Can you find any really small countries?  Which countries do you think are hot? Cold?


Map to print Colour –World Map  Black and White – au-t-2663-world-map-labelling-sheet-_ver_2

Now please print off this map and add all the labels as best as you can from memory.  Then check with the original map.

T-G-174-Blank-World-Map_ver_1 (1)

You may also like to have a go at this World Map Jigsaw – cut out the continents and labels and see if you can put the world together – from memory!!
