Monday 22nd February

Welcome back, everyone! I hope you had a super half-term. We are starting a new unit on Non-chronological reports and it’s going to tie in with our Geography.

LO: To understand how to make notes

We are working towards writing a non-chronological report over the next couple of weeks. First, we have to learn how to take helpful notes so that we have plenty of information when we come to write our report. Please follow my powerpoint lesson on ‘How to Take Notes’ then use the ‘Rainforest powerpoint’ to make notes from. You can use my note-taking sheet or just simply write your own notes under subheadings for sections, on your own paper.

How to Take Notes

Rainforest powerpoint

Note taking sheet

Once you have done your reading comprehension today, you may add more notes to those you took from the powerpoint.

Reading Comprehension: Please choose the comprehension best for you. Rainforests reading comprehension

There is lots of new vocabulary to learn this half term so I am putting a list here for you to read, say and find out what the words mean, throughout the week.

New vocab list: biome, precipitation, equator, hemisphere, evergreen, foliage, humid, biodiversity

Please join us on Teams as usual at 12 noon for the next chapter of The Night Bus Hero!