Friday 11th February

Well we have made it to the end of the half term, and you lot have been absolutely amazing!  Thank you for all your hard work and perseverance.  You have done a fantastic job.  We are all really proud of you.  Today, I have tried to find some fun activities, where you still get to use all your skills and learning but in a different way.

For your maths today you are going to become detectives.  There are 2 maths mystery games below, you can choose whichever one you like the look of most.   For both mysteries, you will need to use all of your maths skills to solve the puzzle.  I hope you have lots of fun solving  one of these puzzles!


The mystery of the aquarium maths game              The Mystery of the Missing Football  Maths Game  

Please can you do your spelling test.

Have a lovely brain break!



For your English today, it’s Free Write Friday.  I have recorded a story for you to watch.  It is one from our reading area and I know you like this book.

As I mentioned in the video, you can choose any of these pictures to base your own writing on and you can write what ever you fancy writing.  It could be a story, poem or information but you might also like to write a spell for the wizards fighting under your bed or design and label your own planet for the super heroes to race to.  The choice is yours.  I have made a gallery below, just click on the picture you choose and you can make it nice and big.


I think you deserve another brain break!

Please can you read a little from your reading book.

I’m not going to give you your new spellings until the first week back.

I think you have all worked so hard that you have earned all the pieces of Mr Potato Head.

If we were all in school, we would decide what we wanted to do this afternoon.  We might watch a film, play with the games we have in the classroom, have an extra long playtime outside, do some art,  there are so many choices.   So you can do the same at home.  Choose something that you would love to do and do it.

I hope you all have a lovely half term holiday.

See you all, bright and refreshed on Monday 22nd February.

Love and virtual hugs from Mrs Pope xx