Thursday Home Learning 25.2.21

MathsLO: To solve word problems

Today, we are going to be applying what we have learnt over the past couple of days and apply it to answering some worded problems. Some problems will involve use using multiplication and division to answer and other will need addition and subtraction.

I’ve created a small PP for people to follow and go through a couple of examples for how to visualise the problem in you head to work out which operation (+ – x /) is needed to answer.

Lesson 4 worded problems using reasoning

Please all start on Challenge 1 to get you warmed up. Challenge 2 is where we would like you to focus on. Look at the key vocabulary. What operation does the vocabulary suggest you need to do?


English– See Mrs Hilditch’s post.

Guided Reading – A fact file based on the popular children’s author David Walliams. I bet most children have at least one or two of his books! It’s differentiated so please select an appropriate level. There are no questions to this fact file but I thought it would be nice to read. Maybe an adult could ask you some questions and you have to find the answers in the text!



We are starting a new Science topic for this half term. It’s an exciting one because we will be looking at moving and growing in humans and animals. We will be particularly focusing on the skeleton and the muscles.

Below, I’ve attached the knowledge organiser for this unit of work. This is an information page containing a basic overview of the information and key vocabulary the children will be exposed to over the course of the unit. Please use it to refer back to when you have completed a lesson etc.

Science knowledge organiser – Animals including humans Year3

Before we start a new topic properly, we always ask the children if they already know anything about the topic already. We write down anything the children say, right or wrong. We always come back to it at the end of the unit and add to the original in another colour. That way it’s easier to see how much we have learnt over the topic. Below is our new one. I’ve asked a few questions to help steer you to the areas we will be looking at. Have a go at filling out as much as you can. Remember, if you don’t know much that doesn’t matter because we will have a chance to learn it together.

Pre-Assessment Animals Including humans

Prior Learning: Children will have learnt about healthy eating in their science learning in Year 2.

LO:To understand how living things get food and why nutrients are important.

Ask the children to discuss why living things need food. Reveal  the pictures on slide 3 and check if all the main reasons have been covered. Using the PP, explain that plants are able to make their own food. (We have talked about this in our unit of plants. The children should hopefully remember that plants make their own food called glucose in the leaves of a plant through a process called photosynthesis.) Ask them to consider what would happen to animals if they tried to obtain food in the same way as plants. Address any misconceptions. Do children understand the difference between how plants and animals obtain food?

Lesson Presentation Types of Nutrition
Food Groups: What kind of foods do humans need? Can your child label the sections from the Eatwell Guide. Reveal answers on the next slide. Using the Lesson Presentation, explain that the Eatwell Guide provides guidance on how people can make choices about what they eat. Can children name the different food groups?

Types of Nutrients: Using the PP, explain what each of the nutrients are, share examples of foods which provide a good source of each nutrient and what each provides for human beings. Explain too that within each food group, there are many foods which contain more than one type of nutrient.

Activity- Children only need to complete one of these. They are pitched at different levels so please pick one appropriate to your child.What Do Nutrients Do for Us Activity Sheet

  • *=Children draw lines to match the nutrients with what they do.
  • **=Children cut out and match the nutrient type and why we need it. They give another example of food for each category in the blank box.
  • ***=Children cut out and match the nutrient type with the reason why we need it and the type of food we would get it from. They also provide an additional example of a food which provides each nutrient in the blank box.

Nutrients for Animals: Using the Lesson Presentation, explain that different animals require different types of nutrients in different amounts. Whether an animal is a carnivore, herbivore or an omnivore can give some clues about the types of nutrients that will feature highly in their diets but animals’ diets within each of these categories still vary significantly. Do children know that different nutrients and balances of nutrients are required by different animals?

For fun and consolidation on the learning watch this video and have a go at the quiz after.