Thursday 11th February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Science.


Today we are looking at how sounds change over distance.

Look at the PowerPoint and do the travelling sound worksheet.

Lesson Presentation String Telephone

Activity Sheet Travelling Sounds

After you have looked at the PowerPoint, record what you now know about how sounds change over distance.

If you have any paper cups and string at home you might like to try the activity below.

Activity Sheet String Telephone


Today, you are using your knowledge of fractions to solve problems.

Look at the worksheet below and try some of the problems. Remember Mr Boffey will be going through this at 11am.

Fraction problems


We are going to continue to write our stories today. Lots of you are now at the stage where you steal the item you need to join your chosen gang.

Remember to use fronted adverbials to tell me where, when and how you did it. I have put some examples below to remind you.

Glancing nervously behind me,

Trembling with fear,

In the distance,

After a few minutes,

As quick as a flash,

I can’t wait to read your stories!