Wednesday 10th February

Good morning everyone. We’re halfway through the week now, keep up all the hard work – you’re doing great!


Morning activity

We are going to do some more thinking about rhyming words again today.

I want you to think of as many words as you can that rhyme with the following words. There’s no need to write them down, just see how many you can think of…

  • Cat
  • Sun
  • Frog
  • Sing


Letters and Sounds

For letters and sounds today, I would like you to have a go on the Phonics Play website again.

Phonics Play

Remember that the website is free at the moment with the username jan21 and the password home. If you were struggling with the rhyming activity this morning, then you may want to play ‘Cake Bake’ on the Phase 1 games as this game is all about rhyming words.



Today we are going to be learning about pictograms. This is where you collect data and put it into a grid with pictures to find out the most or least popular thing. It sounds complicated, but I promise it isn’t!

Here is a pictogram based on people’s favourite fruit…

So, have a look at the picture and answer these questions:

  • Which fruit is the most popular?
  • Which fruit is the least popular?
  • Which fruit/s did 6 people like?
  • Which fruit did 5 people like?


Today, I would like you to make your own pictogram. Have a look at the fruit and / or vegetables in your house. Can you make a pictogram based on how much you have of each fruit or vegetable? Choose up to 4 types of fruit or vegetable to put in your pictogram, then draw that fruit in each box for how many you have.

So, if you had 4 oranges, you would fill in 4 boxes with a picture of an orange in each box. There is a template below for you to fill out.

Pictogram Template


Once you have filled out your pictogram. Have a think:

  • Which fruit / vegetable did you have the most of?
  • Which did you have the least of?
  • How can you tell?
  • Did you have the same amount of anything?


Afternoon activity

Yesterday I asked you to think about what was special about you. I hope you all managed to come up with some good ideas, because I know you are all very special!

Today I would like you to think about who or what is important to you. It might be a member of your family, pets, a friend or a special cuddly toy.

Can you draw or write all the people and things that are important to you?



I am doing a story over Teams for you today, I hope you can join in!


Have a fab day!

Miss Roberts x