Thursday 11th February

Good Morning!


I am sure you’l agree that the workshop was great fun yesterday! I would like you to compose an email for the Tudor experts, Kate and Andrew, please. It shows you have very good manners to write a Thank You letter, email or message to someone who has provided something for you or given something to you, especially when they have worked hard and done their best for you.

  • I would like you to thank them for yesterday’s workshop
  • Tell them what you liked about it and what you especially liked
  • Which of the facts you found particularly interesting
  • Which of the activities you enjoyed in their resource pack and tell them about any other Tudor activities you did yesterday.
  • Anything else you think they would like to hear.
  • Sign off with Many thanks or Kind regards or Best wishes and your name.

Please check your spelling, punctuation and grammar as you write, making sure all proper nouns have Capital Letters too! If you send your email to me at then I can make sure they get all your emails.

Read your own book for pleasure today. What are you reading at the moment? Some of you have let me know already, thank you.


Can you write your spellings ‘smaller to bigger’?