Friday 12th February

You made it! Half term is very nearly here…


Warm up your Maths brains with ‘Hit the Button’.

Are you all remembering to keep your eye on the clock? You know what I’m talking about Year 5 – Can you tell the time to the nearest minute yet? Then say the 12hr and 24hr digital time for the analogue time? If you can, then can you answer my question…If Mrs Giles started painting her camper van at 11. 25 am and finished four hours and twenty seven minutes later, what time would she finish? Answers in 24hr clock please. If you email me the correct time, I shall send you a gold star!

Arithmetic test: Spring test 6

Answers: Spring test 6 answers


It is your spelling test today so please ask an adult at home to test you. I am not giving you new spellings to learn over half term.

Reading: Please follow this lesson on developing your reading for pleasure through discussion of characters. Reading for pleasure

Please join us for the reading session on Teams at midday.

P.E. Marcus Rashford is your celebrity supply teacher this afternoon! Marcus Rashford