Tuesday 9th February

Good morning everyone, I hope you’re ready for another day of home learning!


Morning activity

Yesterday you had a go at your number formation, today it’s letters. Remember how important it is to always start your letters in the correct place, this really helps you when you’re older and you start to learn to join your handwriting.

Letter Formation


Letters and Sounds

Tuesday 9th


First of all, watch the story ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ as you are watching it, can you count how many people and animals are in the house each time?

Now, I have a problem for you to solve. There are 6 characters in the book altogether, and I want you to find different combinations of 3 characters in the house, and 3 characters outside.

So, for example, I might have the Old Lady, the Wise Old Man and the hen inside and the pig, cow and horse outside.

Then I might have the Wise Old Man, pig and cow inside and the Old Lady, hen and horse outside.

How many different combinations can you come up with?

There are some pictures below for you to cut out and move around and help you to solve the problem.

A Squash And A Squeeze Characters


Afternoon activity

In Room 4 we are all very, very special! There are so many interesting and important things about each of us. Have a think – what is special about you?

Draw a picture of yourself, and then either draw or write the things that you make you special.

It might be something you’re good at, the way that you look or a special skill you  have.

Here’s mine!


Enjoy our story from Maths as your story today!


Have a fab day,

Miss Roberts x