Tuesday 9th February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and History.


Lots of you remember The Balaclava Story by George Layton that we looked at in the first term.

Today, I would like you to plan out your own gang story based on the Balaclava Story. I have put a plan below to remind you of the key events in the story.


You might also want to look at the BBC Bitesize clip on how to plan a story.

Planning a story


Today, we are looking at what life was like for the Anglo-Saxons.

Take a look at the PowerPoint and then read through lesson three in the Anglo-Saxon booklet and answer some of the questions.

Anglo-Saxons Slides – L3.171964081 (1)

Remember I put the Anglo-Saxon booklet on our class page on the 26th January.


Today, we are finding a fraction of a quantity.

Do you remember the rule?

Divide by the bottom, times by the top.

To work out 5/8 of 32 then you would need to divide 32 by 8 and then times the answer by 5.

Try the worksheet below.

