English Thursday 11.2.21

Today I’d like you to continue your story. 

We were arguing over whether the last goal in the Man United game was the best yet when we heard it: a clap of thunder so close that it sounded like an explosion. Connor wiped the condensation from the window and we peered out. At that very moment, there was another tremendous crack, and lightning struck the pylon. Sparks flew, the pylon shuddered and, as if in slow motion, it crashed down towards the caravan roof.

Instinctively, we both ducked down fast. There was an enormous crash and the caravan roof crumpled. The air prickled with electricity and rain lashed through the opening in the roof. For a moment, I was certain that I was about to be fried alive. In the half-light, I could see Connor’s face. His eyes were wide with fright and he gulped like a fish. “Come on,” he hissed. We slithered like snakes across the floor with the rusted pylon creaking dangerously above us.

This is the most exciting part of the story – something needs to go wrong and trap your characters.  It could be a tree falls down, a door slams shut and locks, something falls over and blocks the exit – it depends on the setting of your story.

Write the climax of your story today.

Remember to use exciting vocabulary – crashed, slammed, dived, dashed etc.

Use short sentences to make it dramatic.   You can add another illustration too.