English Wednesday 10.2.21

Now we’re on to the next part of our story.  We’ve told our characters not to go to the dangerous place and we’ve described what the place looked like.  Now for the third paragraph.  

That afternoon, a storm raged. It had been brewing all morning. The trees were like crazed zombies thrashing wildly. Rain lashed down, drumming on the metal roof. Inside the caravan it felt safe, almost cosy really. We shoved newspaper into any cracks to keep out the wind. I’d found a bit of old carpet and Connor had brought along some cushions that his Mum had thrown out. He’d also found a candle and in the semi-gloom its flame flickered with a cheerful glow. Outside dusk shadowed the bushes. Soon the streetlights would come on, casting orange pools of light.

This is the third paragraph from the caravan story.  You will need to create more suspense in your story by describing the setting a little more.  Describing a storm, wind, thunder and lightning, rain and darkness all help to make your story more dramatic.  Think about your characters going inside the dangerous place and to a place to seek shelter from the storm.

Try to use a fronted adverbial in this paragraph to tell me where or when something happened eg

In the distance,

Above their heads,

In the doorway,

As soon as they arrived,

As they crept inside,


Please complete the third paragraph of your story today and add another picture if you wish.