Home learning Monday 8th February

Hello, everyone. I hope you all had a nice weekend and stayed warm. This is the last week before a much needed half term break.

Wake Up, Shake UpDo the Dino


Today we will consolidating our understanding of adding small amounts and finding change. Have a quick chat to recap on what ‘giving change’ means. Can you remember what it means if you ‘find the difference’? How would you find the difference between 5 and 10? What about 2 and 10? If printing is an issue today, please complete these tasks practically in your pretend shop!

Yellows for maths: Work out the correct amount of change if you were to buy each of the items. Can you write the number sentence for each question? For example: 10p-5p=5p would be the number sentence for the first question. yellow group giving change 5p 10p

Greens and blues for maths: Can you solve these problems, finding as many different solutions as possible? Please write your answers in number sentences too so I understand how you worked them out. For example, for the first question: 15p-4p=11p. For the first question, work out how much money Zack would have left if he was to buy each of the toppings in turn. Please note that you only need the first page of this document so may just want to display it as a reference. addition and subtraction money tasks


Set yourself up with new spellings. Here are the lists. Choose the words that are most suitable for your child. They should be achievable without being too easy. Here is a blank grid: Look Say Cover grid

‘Yellow’ spellings: zip, zap, box, fox

‘Green’ spellings: pie, lie, tie, pull, push

‘Pink’ spellings: pies, lies, ties, untie, magpie, pull

‘Purple’ spellings: untie, magpie, fried, cried, replied, denied

Today we are looking at verbs using ‘Doing the Animal Bop’. Can you remember what a ‘verb’ is? Don’t worry if you can’t because this is quite tricky! This video may help: What is a verb?

Have another read or listen of ‘Doing the Animal Bop’. Do the Animal Bop

This time we are listening out for verbs. Can you spot any? Write these down as you find them. Are there any verbs that you don’t know the meaning of?


We have looked in some detail at old Tudor houses. Can you remember what any of these words/phrases mean?


wattle and daub



Have a look at the following video of a town in Tudor times. Please note: although this clip is suitable for KS1, the music is a little eerie and there is a corpse outside one of the houses early on in the video. You may want to watch this clip with your child.

What do you notice? Tudor London The same video can be accessed via this website. If you have trouble playing it, there are ‘stills’ on this page that you can look at: Literacy Shed Tudor London

What do you notice about the streets? Can you see that they are cobbled? The streets are very narrow, aren’t they? This made them very dark and gloomy. The narrow passageways were called ‘shutts’. Watching this video may remind you of places you have been before where there were Tudor houses and ‘shutts’.

Make two lists on a piece of paper of things that are similar and things that are different  from towns today when compared to the old town in the video. Have any things stayed the same?


Today we are learning ‘u-e’. Watch the video: Geraldine learns u-e

Can you write these words using u-e as read aloud by an adult?

cube, tune, flute, cute, mule

Can you find the u-e words in the wordsearch? u-e wordsearch

I hope you all have a lovely day.

Mrs Garcia x