Monday’s maths

To start with you need to complete the morning maths. Click on day one of the Morning Maths PowerPoint – if you push reveal it will show you the answers.

This week we are going to be looking at shape. For the first two days this will be working on circles. Today we are going to be looking at the radius and the diameter.

If you click on the Monday’s PowerPoint, you will see each of these parts labelled.

The radius goes from the middle to the side. The diameter goes from one side to the other passing the middle. As a result, the diameter is twice the size of the radius OR you might say the radius is half the size of the diameter.

I would now like you to watch the video for an explanation.


Those of you that are able may prefer to watch my explanation – in which case join Teams for 9:00 when I will also go over the morning maths too.

After watching the explanation, I would like you to try some sheets to show you understand this work.

Circle worksheet

Circles sheet (We will work on this one together and edit it as a class. You will need to go to classroom though as it is saved as google docs there.)

Monday’s Homework sheet