English 8.2.21

English Plan for the week English 8.2.21

Before we begin to write our story, we need a little more practise on grammar skills.  This time we need to look at how to punctuate speech as you will need to include this in your story.  

Please watch and listen to the Powerpoint to see what you need to know about speech.

Punctuating simple speech

Now I’d like you to write paragraph one of your story from your plan and storyboard last week.  We will do a section or two each day so by Friday you should have your whole story finished.  Please break it down into a section each day so you stay focussed on what you need to include and you don’t rush off and cram everything into one paragraph – I know what you lot are like!!!

Start with your warning – remember speech punctuation rules

“______ ” around words spoken out loud.

CL at start of speech

, ? ! at end of speech but before the ” when followed by a reporting clause – eg

“Don’t go near the old park on your way home today Sam,” called my Mum from the kitchen.

So today your task is to write paragraph one of the story.  Use the example story to help you write your own.

“Now Mitch, don’t go playing up by the pylon,” my Mum had warned me often enough. “It’s dangerous. You’ll get yourself electrocuted.” Did I listen? Of course I didn’t. Most days after school that was exactly where I went. Daft really, but she actually thought that I was doing my homework with Connor. Mum worries too much. I’ve still not forgotten how she used to tell me not to play under Hanger Bridge by the railway in case the troll snatched me. Of course, I was younger then.