Wednesday 3rd February

Hi everyone, I hope you are all still having a good time at home and working as hard as you can. Here is our learning for today.


Morning activity

There’s a little bit of colouring to get your brains warmed up today. This time it’s colour by shape, enjoy!

2D Shape Colouring


Letters and Sounds

Wednesday 3rd



I hope you all enjoyed the game yesterday, maybe have another go at it first today to try and remember some of those coins.

Coins Game

Then, I would like you to complete the ‘Coin Detective’ sheet below. Do you know what a detective is? It’s someone who looks for clues to help them solve mysteries! You are going to be a detective today by spying on all the coins, you will have to use your brains to look for the right shape and size for each coin that you need to colour in.

Once you have finished this, if you have any coins at home, you could match them to the ones on your sheet.

Coin Detective


Afternoon activity

I hope you all enjoyed exploring where you live yesterday. How many places did you manage to find?

Today, I would like you to have a look at the pictures that you took yesterday and label them. You don’t need to print your pictures off, you could just write a list of places that you found. If you didn’t manage to get out and about to explore, you could just write a list of the places that I found instead.


Afternoon activity 2

Don’t forget to come to the show and tell meeting today if you are free! Remember it’s at 2.30 – see you there!


Have a lovely day,

Miss Roberts x