Wednesday’s science

I did post this last week so hopefully you have had some time to get some vinegar and bicarbonate of soda. If you didn’t then don’t worry you can watch us complete the lesson by joining teams at 1:30.

If you look at the Lesson Plan Irreversible Changes it goes through the lesson. It also says things that you will need.

There is a bitesize link for you to follow.

Then to have more information look at the Lesson Presentation Irreversible Changes.  Try to sort the pictures of materials changing on their differentiated Differentiated Identifying Changes Activity Sheet by cutting and sticking them in the correct column.

Follow the instructions on the Lesson Presentation Irreversible Changes you should mix warm milk with vinegar, and then bicarbonate of soda with vinegar. As you complete each activity, explain the new materials you have made and their uses using the information on the Lesson Presentation Irreversible Changes. You should complete your Differentiated Irreversible Changes Activity Sheet to describe the irreversible changes and explain the new materials created.

If you can not complete this actvitity because of a lack of materials then pleased don’t worry.