Wednesday 3rd February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Art.


Yesterday, you read the text about George Layton who wanted to be in the Balaclava Boy gang so badly that he stole a balaclava. You identified lots of fronted adverbials within the text such as as quick as a flash and trembling with fear.

Today, follow the structure of the Balaclava Boy text that we looked at yesterday, and use your imagination to write about something you did to join a gang. What gang was it? What did you have to have to be in that gang? Remember to use some fronted adverbials for how, when and where to begin your sentences.


Today, we are going to be using the expanded written method to calculate HTO X O.

Remember Mr Boffey is doing a live maths lesson at 9am to talk this through.

Look at the example below and then try one of the worksheets.

BusyAnt_y4expanded written method



Last week, lots of you drew some fantastic Pablo Picasso inspired animal pictures. Today, I would like you to use Pablo Picasso’s style and draw a picture of yourself or a family member. Mrs Howland has created a fantastic example to show you what to do. Take a look and then have a go yourself. We can’t wait to see your pictures!