Tuesday 2nd February

Tuesday 2nd February

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all raring to go with today’s learning!


Morning activity

Are you ready to have a go at being independent again today? Get yourself dressed, fold those pyjamas, make that bed, tidy up any toys in your room, help with breakfast and get all your things ready for learning!

I had good reports from parents about how independent you all were on Friday – so keep it up!


Letters and Sounds

Tuesday 2nd



I hope you all enjoyed having a look at some of the money you have yesterday. Did you think of anything that you would need to use money for? I wonder how many of you said to buy toys!

First, can you have a go on the game below. This will help you become even more familiar with the coins that we looked at yesterday. Please have a go at the ‘sorting’ activity on the game. You may also want to have a go at the ordering activity – but you will probably need a grown up to help you with that one.

Coins Game

Once you have spent some time playing on that game, then have a go at the activity below. You will need to count the coins to work out how much money is in each piggy bank. All the coins are worth 1pence which means we only need to count how many coins there are. Don’t forget to write a ‘p’ after each answer – this means pence, otherwise we don’t know what you’ve been counting!

You can then have a go at the next sheet, where you will need to cut the correct amount of coins into each piggy bank. See if you can have a go at this one independently – remember what that means?

Piggy Bank Activity


Afternoon activity

This weekend, I went for a little walk around my village and I took some photos of some of the different places of interest. Have a look at the photos that I took – can you spot what each place is?

Today (or any other day this week) I would like you to go out and explore where you live. Can you spot any of the same places as I did? How about anything that I don’t have in my village? For example, I don’t have a police station where I live – but do you have one where you live? Is there anything in Shawbury that you don’t have where you live?



Have a little rest and listen to The Scarecrows Wedding



Have a brilliant day,

Miss Roberts x