Tuesday 2nd February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and History.


Yesterday, you revised the use of fronted adverbials so today I would like you to identify the fronted adverbials I have used in the text below. This is part of the Balaclava Story that we looked at last term. I am trying to find the book so I can read the story to you again. What other features can you find?

Fronted adverbials


Thank you for doing lesson one of the Anglo-Saxon booklet. Today, answer the retrieval practice questions on page 7 of the booklet and then look at the PowerPoint to check if you got them right.

Anglo-Saxons Slides – Lesson2

Then, read through the information in lesson 2 and try to answer some of the questions.


We are continuing to use the grid method to calculate HTO X O.

Today, before you use the grid method to work out the answer, can you estimate the answer first?

For example, if you were working out 625 X 8 you would round 625 to the nearest 100 and work out 600 X 8 . This would be the estimate of your answer. Then, use the grid method to work out the answer.

Try the worksheet below.

BusyAnt_y4_HTO X O