Home learning Monday 1st February

Happy February to you all! Where did January go?! Well, we are now into our fifth week. Well done to you all for ‘hanging on in there’! Here are our activities for Monday.

Wake Up, Shake Up: Here’s a brand new one for you! Big, Blue Whale


This week we are looking again at money, and will be focusing on how to work out change later in the week. Can you remember what coins we have in Britain? See if an adult has each of the following: a 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p and a 50p coin. Have a look at each one and familiarise yourself again with the shape, size, colour and value of the coin. Have a go at the activities here and see how you do on the quiz: coin values

Yellow group: Work out the total amounts –  Coin Collections

Green group: Look at the sheet below. Can you work out the answers to each of the questions? Write out each of the questions as a number sentence. For example, the first child has 6p and spends 4p, so my number sentence would be 6p-4p=2p. Use 1p coins to help you if you find this tricky.

Blue group: Complete the sheet for green group. Many of you will be very confident with this, so move on to this sheet: Making Money

You may want to have a go at this online game again, especially if printing is tricky at home. This time, choose the option to pay with a mixture of coins up to 20p. Toy Shop money game

Reading Skills

Do you know what a nursery rhyme is? Maybe you have a book of nursery rhymes in your house. If so, enjoy reading or listening to a few of them. Join in if you know them! Can you listen out for rhyming words? Is there any repetition? Where?

Here are some online rhymes if you need/prefer them: nursery rhymes


Set yourself up with new spellings. Most of you this week have ‘ea’ in your words, making an ‘ee’ sound. If you choose the ‘purple’ spellings, remind yourself about ‘ure’ and the sound it makes. Please choose the spellings that are right for your child. Only children who find phonics really challenging should be choosing the ‘yellow’ spelling words. Most children should be aiming for the ‘pink’ list. Here is the blank grid: Look Say Cover grid

Yellow words: van, win, wax, web

Greens: sea, tea, pea, teach, peach

Pinks: teach, peach, beach, dream, stream, scream

Purples: squeal, squeak, feature, creature, I’m, don’t

For the next couple of weeks we shall be looking at poetry. What is a poem? The nursery rhymes that you have just looked at are poems. Do you know some other poems? Maybe you have a favourite. Maybe your parents or older siblings have a favourite poem that they can read or recite for you! Remember that poems do not always rhyme.

Choose a familiar nursery rhyme and practise saying it until you know it off by heart. Now put actions to it. You may want to sing your rhyme – that’s fine! How confidently can you perform your nursery rhyme in front of an adult or other family members? You may even like to be videoed so we can then watch your performance at school!


What do you remember from last week about churches? Why do people go to church and what might they see inside one? Can you remember the names of any of the features of a church?

You may remember us talking about gurdwaras before Christmas. A gurdwara is a place of worship for a Sikh person. What do you remember about Sikhs? Have a quick recap. Do you remember ‘The 5 Ks’?

Go through this PowerPoint and see how much you remember about gurdwaras: Sikh Gurdwaras

Can you draw 4 things a Sikh may find or do in a gurdwara? Here are some reasons as to why a Sikh may visit a gurdwara:

to pray or worship

to meet others

to listen to readings from the holy book

to sing or play/listen to music, join in with hymns

to share a meal


For children who struggle with phonics, focus today on ‘sh’. Join in with the song: sh song What can you find in your house that has a ‘sh’ sound?

Today we are learning o-e. Here is a Geraldine Giraffe video for you: o-e video

Have a look at the words on these cards and match them to the correct picture. This may take a lot of paper and ink, so maybe print two pages to a sheet. o-e-split-digraph-words-matching-cards

Alternatively, you may prefer to find the o-e words in the grid using this online activity. Make sure you select ‘o-e’: o-e word finder

Have a great day, everyone. Keep warm!

Mrs Garcia x