Monday 1st February

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. It was very chilly!


LO: To discuss themes and conventions in poetry.

Monday english lesson

You do not need to print these out, they are included in the powerpoint. Prompt and poems

When you have listened to and read all the poems, I’d like you to think about: The subjects Joseph writes about and what his style is like.

Reading comprehension:

Please follow the link to find your  reading comprehension


Please look at your spelling list which I posted on Friday. I’m sorry I put an ‘e’ on the end of parasol when it doesn’t have one! Please cross out the ‘e’ if you have printed out your spellings.

Today, I would like you to look at these clues and see if you can use the letter patterns oll, oal and ole to work out the answers:

  1. A young horse F_________
  2. A small type of bread R_______
  3. Space left when something is removed H____________
  4. Black lumps of rock that burn C____________
  5. A gentle walk S____________
  6. What the thief did S_______________
  7. Often has a flag on top P____________
  8. Large group of fish S______________