Monday 1st February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and French.


For the next two weeks we are going to be looking at writing a story.

Before we start, I would like you to revise the use of fronted adverbials. Remember fronted adverbials are words or phrases at the beginning of a sentence, used to describe the action that follows.

For example:

After the rain stopped, Jack went outside to play in the garden.

Look at the BBC Bitesize clip and then try some of the activities.

Using fronted adverbials


It was lovely seeing your French number games last week.  Also, I really enjoyed seeing the videos of you playing the games with your family, that some of you sent to me. Thank you!

This week I would like you to learn how to talk about what hobbies and sports you like in French. Look at the clip below and then try the French hobbies quiz.



For maths this week we are looking at multiplication. Today, I would like to see what you can remember. Try challenge 1 or 2 below.


Challenge 1

  1. a. 7 x 2 =      b. 70 x 2 =     c. 700 x 2 =
  2. a. 4 x 8=       b. 40 x 8 =     c. 400 x 8 =
  3. a. 7 x 4 =      b. 70 x 4=      c. 700 x 4=
  4. a. 9 x 6=       b. 90 x 6=      c. 900 x 6=
  5. a. 7 x 7=       b. 70 x 7=      c. 700 x 7=

Challenge 2

Use the grid method to answer each of these calculations.

  1. 333 x 3
  2. 243 x 2
  3. 322 x 4
  4. 467 x 4
  5. 691 x 7
  6. 794 x 8
  7. 609 x 8