Thursday’s History

Last week we missed our history lesson due to the wellbeing day so we will do it today. I am aware that two of you DID complete this lesson last week. For those two it means you can have a bit of freedom. Today might be an ideal time to do some baking, play an instrument, read your book. If you love your history you could try the BBC home learning content. There are lots of history topics you could try.

We our continuing our Civil Rights work. Last week we focussed on Rosa Parks – this week it is Martin Luther King.

For some background information there is a simple PowerPoint to look at called Martin Luther King PowerPoint.

As usual for history you then have a variety of things you need to look at to carry out this lesson.

To help you please look at the Knowledge organiser as this helps with understanding of difficult words.

You also have a PowerPoint 4 which will help with some questions. The Lesson 4 plan tells you what to do.

To break it down though you need to answer the questions in the Booklet. Some of you will be able to write on the computer screen for this and some of you will need to write the answers down into a word document.

If you would like to listen to his speech there is a link below