Monday 1.2.21 – Maths Home Learning

Good morning Room 2!

Today and all week, we are looking at how to subtract using the expanded column method. It’s a fairly easy method to get you head around as long as you can pull your numbers apart (partition) them in H, T and O’s. Mrs Hilditch will be doing a Live to introduce this method at 9am on Monday. It might help you alot if you attend and hear Mrs Hilditch’s explanation.

I have put together 2 PP’s together that you will need to look at which will hopefully explain how to do this method. The first one is for how to complete this method using very simple numbers. The second is for when we might need to ‘steal’. Parents might use the term ‘borrow’ but I am using the term steal because you are not giving it back!

Lesson 1 Subtraction 2 digit – Easy

Lesson 1 Trickier question- stealing

Questions to answer. Challenge one are simple subtraction questions and then if you feel confident, you can try Challenge 2 where you will need to steal first.

subtracting 2 digit numbers Monday worksheet

ANSWERS! Monday 2 digit subtraction – Answers