Friday 29th January

Hello everyone!  We have managed to make it through another busy week.  I hope you are all well.

I have sent all parents an email with your children’s email address and password on.  Next week we will have a meet up to do a bit of show and tell.  It will be so lovely to see everyone.  Please don’t worry, if you just want to show up and wave, that’s absolutely fine, nobody has to speak.  It will just be nice to see each other.  I will let you know the details here, on a web post, and then send out invitations to your children’s emails.  Mrs Andrew’s video will show you how to set up their emails, if your are unsure.

We will begin with our Friday with a maths warm up.

To start with, I’d like you to practise your number bonds for 10 or 20. Then, if you are feeling brave, 100.

Hit The Button

In our maths lesson,  we are continuing to find change.  Have a look at the PowerPoint.

Friday PowerPoint

Today, I’d like you to work out if the change you have been given is correct.

Here are the sheets.  As usual, sheet 4 is the most tricky. 

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

Sheet 4

Please can you take your Spelling Test.  Keep me posted on how you get on.

Here are your new spellings for next week:

Blue Group spellings week 4

Green Group spellings week 4

Yellow Group spellings week 4

You will definitely need a brain break now!

For our English today, we are going to begin writing our reports.

If we were at school, I would give you lots of cut up text boxes both lined and plain.  You could then draw pictures or write the paragraphs in them and arrange them as you wanted to on a larger piece of paper.  You can make them bright and colourful with pictures and decorations.

Here are some text boxes and  picture/diagram boxes for you to cut up and use if you wish.

Rainforest Report text boxes

Today we are going to begin writing our reports.  You will need all your notes.  Read through your notes and as you are writing them, turn them into whole sentences with capital letters and full stops.

Your report will need to show off these features:

  • A bright colourful title
  • Sub-headings to tell the reader what each paragraph is about
  • A description of your animal (this is the introduction)
  • A paragraph about what your animal eats – its prey
  • A paragraph about what eats your animal- its predators
  • A paragraph about where your creature lives – its habitat
  • Pictures of your creature with labels
  • A fact box with your 3 facts in it
  • Lots of lovely, bright decoration to make the reader want to read it.

Write for about 20 minutes.  Then put it all in a safe place for Monday, when we will continue with it.

We will aim to finish our reports on Wednesday. So we will do 20 minutes today, another 20 minutes on Monday, Tuesday and finish it off on Wednesday.

Use all your notes to help you, don’t try and write it from memory.  This is a final copy of your report so use your best handwriting and take lots of pride in your work.

I hope this makes sense, if not, please email me and let me know!!

You definitely need another brain break after this!!!

On Friday afternoon we have Computing.

This week we are continuing with programming.

Log on to the ilearn2 website. Here is the link.

Then type in code Y654

Today you are working on activity 4.  Watch the video and then practise the skills.  You are always so much better at this than me!

For our RE today I’d like you to have look at the story of Mosses and the 10 Commandments.

The 10 Commandments

I’d like you to read/share the story and think about what rules we have and why.  They might be home rules, school rules, rules we are all sticking to, to keep us safe and well.  Have a chat about why rules are so important. What might happen if we had not rules?

I hope you have a lovely weekend, thank you for all your hard work yet again this week.

Love from Mrs Pope