Home learning Friday 29th January

Well, it’s Friday again! Well done, everyone, for getting through another challenging week. Here are our activities for Friday.

Wake Up, Shake UpDig It

Spelling Test

Ask an adult to dictate your spellings as you write each one without looking. If you have your spelling folder at home, write in your score. Well done if you are a super speller!


As it’s Friday, we are going to be problem solving. Do you remember what ‘perseverance’ means? It means not giving up! You will need to keep going today to find different possibilities when solving the problem.

Have a look at this problem: Teddy Town

You need to match each teddy to a house so that all four houses/bears are a different combination from each other. For example, if you put a red bear in a red house, you would need to do something different with the other red teddy and put it in the orange house. You may not get through all the many levels on the interactive but see how far you can get and challenge yourself to keep going even when you start to get frustrated! The interactive will let you go further than the printable version, but here it is in case you prefer to use it. Teddy Town resource


Last week we were using percussion instruments to explore different sounds. Percussion instruments usually do not have a pitch as such but the instruments on this activity today are ones that have a pitch or can produce notes of different pitches.

Instruments make all sorts of sounds and they can also be divided into groups. Wind instruments are instruments such as trumpets and saxophones that you blow air through. Stringed instruments have strings on them, such as guitars, violins and even pianos. Percussion instruments are instruments that you hit or tap, such as drums and xylophones. Can you add people to your music room and give them different instruments? Try to divide the instruments into the groups using the website below.

Click on different things in the music room and listen to the sounds that they make. What can you find that is high pitched? What about low pitched? Playing Music Shop


Today we are going to look in more detail at the features of Tudor houses. Use this PowerPoint to see how Tudor houses were made. Tudor houses

Think about your own house. How is it different? How have houses changed over time?

Can you use the words at the bottom of the sheet and fill in the gaps to describe features of the Tudor house? Tudor house materials

This information may help you too: Tudor houses


On a Friday afternoon, the Year 1s enjoy choosing time so please feel free to treat yourself to a nice playtime! Maybe you could construct a house with your Lego or use junk materials to create your own instrument!

Have a super weekend, everyone. ‘See you’ on Monday!

Mrs Garcia x