Friday 29th January

We made it to the end of another strange week! Well done Year 5 and a huge well done to parents too!

Maths: I can see from the Ttrockstars Teacher’s list that only some of you have been on here this month. Please do log in and have a practise. Knowing your times tables is central to so much of the maths you do. Knowing all your times tables up to 12 x 12 is similar to having a magic key to unlock lots of doors to the Maths you find difficult. If you need your log in and password please do email me:    Go for it!

Friday Maths wouldn’t be complete without your Arithmetic test: Spring test 4

Test 4 answers

English: Reading and Writing

I love the idea here of having an air hotel, do you? Take a look to find out what I am talking about! Find your reading questions and your writing tasks here, too.

It is Spelling Test day, today. Please ask someone at home to test you.

New spellings here:Spellings


You can learn about how good exercise is for your body here exercisebut it’s not just your body which benefits from exercise – your mind does too. It triggers ‘feel good’ hormones and helps to clear your mind of any worries you might have. Getting outside and being around nature helps us to feel peaceful too, not forgetting, that great sense of achievement when you have finished a work-out or come to the end of a lovely long walk or bike ride. Go on, get moving!