Thursday 28th January

Morning activity

This morning I have got some colouring for you to do, but instead of a colour by number, it’s a colour by phoneme! So have a look at the sounds and choose the right colours.

Colour by Phoneme


Letters and Sounds

Thursday 28th



This morning can you start off by playing the game below. Helicopter Rescue Please select ‘Find a Number’ then ‘1 to 10’. If you are really confident with your numbers, then you could select ‘1 to 20’ instead.

Then, I would like you to go on a little hunt around your house today whilst doing some counting. So today, I would like you to find the following items. Make sure that you are counting carefully each time. Can you find…

  • 6 socks
  • 2 pieces of fruit
  • 8 pens or pencils
  • 5 toys
  • 7 pieces of cutlery
  • 4 shoes
  • 9 books
  • 3 bags

Have fun. And remember to make sure you put everything back afterwards too!


Afternoon activity

Today is exactly the same as yesterday, choose one or two more vehicles to write captions about. Remember your capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.



There is a story on Tapestry for today.