Thursday 28th January – Teams Meeting

Hi Everyone,

I hope those of you at home are able to join a little Teams meeting tomorrow with Mr Boffey to introduce himself and help you go over tomorrow’s maths at 9:15am.

Mr Boffey is the lovely teacher who is working in the Year 3 class bubble at the minute.

Sorry to make things more complicated, but Mr Boffey will have to send out a new invite for this meeting, so that he can be the host and therefore have access to share his screen and control the meeting.

Please can you ensure that you click on the new email link directly from Mr Boffey so that you can access the correct meeting.

Hopefully you’ve all managed to access your school email ok.  Don’t worry if the link disappears when you accept it, if you log into your emails just before 9:15am you should see a link to the meeting in the top right corner, or you can access the meeting through the calendar tab in Teams.

Please just give it a go, were are all trying to get to grips with the technology, so tomorrow will be a try it out and see how it works session.

Mrs Hilditch x