Thursday 28th January

Good morning everyone.  I hope you are all well and ready for some more learning.

Lets wake our brains up.

Super Movers

I thought you might like this and it will be pretty useful for your maths today!  It makes my eyes go funny but I hope you enjoy it.

This morning we are going to continue with money.  Today we are going to look at giving change.  Here is the PowerPoint.  Work through this.  You will need a pencil and paper for some calculating.  I have also put a numberline for you to use to support you if needed.  When you have worked through the PowerPoint, there is a link to take you to a game.  I would like you to play this game for your maths today.

Thursday PowerPoint


Please can you practise your spellings.  If you want to make it more exciting, you could work out their values on this scrabble sheet.  What is your Highest spelling word score?

scrabble spellings

Perhaps you need a bit of a brain break?


This is one of our favourite bedtime stories in my house!

So far this week, you have written a description of your rainforest creature and you did some amazing research yesterday all about what your creature eats, and what eats your creature.  I hope you found the words carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, nocturnal, diurnal, prey, predator useful.  Keep your fantastic notes safe. You will need them when we write our report.

Today I would like you to do a little more research.  This is our last day of research before we begin writing.  I would like you to find out about where your animal likes to live.  It’s habitat.  We know it is a rainforest creature, but where in the rainforest does it live and hunt.

  • Does it live in the canopy or on the forest floor. 
  •  Does it have a den or a nest or a burrow?
  • How does it move around, does it walk, fly or slide?
  • Does it have a territory that it protects or does it travel wherever it wishes?

When you have found out some facts about your creatures habitat, I would like you to find out 3 fun facts that you think other people would like to know about your creature.

Please can you find 5-10 minutes to read your reading book.  If you are running low on books at home to read and share, or just fancy a different read, have a look on this website.  An adult will have to create a log in – but it is free and they have loads of free E Books.

Oxford Owl

This afternoon is our PE afternoon. Go for a walk, a bike ride, make up a dance to your favourite song, have lots of fun doing something active you enjoy.

If you fancy a bit of yoga, here is a link for you.

Have a lovely day, let me know how you are getting on,

Love from Mrs Pope
