Wednesday’s work

On the following posts I have the work for maths, English and science.

The timetable for live lessons is as follows:

8:30 onwards – a chance to say good morning to each other

8:55 – completing morning maths

9:05 – go over morning maths

9:10 – main maths lesson introduced

11:00 – main English lesson introduced (I really enjoyed Tuesday’s lesson doing this on teams)

12:00 – class novel read

1:30 – science lesson introduced

Remember you can join and leave these lessons at any time.

Have a look at the science lesson as soon as you can as you might need to get some equipment ready (I did say this a couple of days ago). If you can’t do the full lesson and then try to watch teams to see us do it in school.

At other times of the day you can be reading your own books, practising your spellings  or practising your times tables.