Wednesday’s English

It was fantastic to see so many of you editing work in one go on Tuesday. I was very pleased.

Today we are going to look again at Mac’s Adventures. To start with we will look at the next part Mac’s adventures. The best place to look at this will be on google classroom as we will be editing in docs.

On teams we will be discussing the features of this next bit then having a go at editing this.

After we have discussed how we can do this best we are then going to be looking at our story we worked on yesterday and try to add to it together. Class story start

Then tomorrow you will see if you can be adding to your own story in the same way.

So to recap – today we are going to be looking at the features of Mac’s adventures and edit it. Using any ideas from this we will then try to extend our group story together. It will then be on Thursday where you will use these ideas to extend your own story.