Wednesday 27th January

Well good morning, how are you feeling today?  I hope you are all well.

Lets warm our brains up with a little jumping around – all in the name of education!

3 Times Table Super Movers.

Today we are continuing with our learning about money.  Have  a look at the PowerPoint and complete one of the sheets.

Wednesday PowerPoint

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

Have a little Brain Break!

In our English today, we are continuing to make notes about our chosen rainforest creatures.  Yesterday you wrote a description of your creature using some well chosen adjectives.  Today we are going to continue to take notes.

Today we are going to find out about what your creature eats and what may eat your creature.

You can use books or the internet but please make sure you put ‘for kids’  when you do your search so that you get the right type of information.

Think about these questions when you are doing your research:

  • Is your creature a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore?
  • What is it’s prey – what does it eat?
  • What are its predators -eats it?
  • When does it hunt – during the day, if so it is diurnal or at night – making it nocturnal?
  • what parts of the rainforest does your creature hunt in? – forest floor, understory, canopy, emergent layer.
  • Does it have a special way of catching its prey – builds a web, poisons it with venom.
  • How often does it eat – 20 hours a day, once every 2 weeks?
  • How much does it eat?

The words I have written in bold are technical vocabulary that you may want to use.

You can write your notes as bullet points or as a spider diagram.  Please make sure you keep them safe because you will need them when we write our report.  Here is a template for your notes if you would like one but you can write your reports in anyway you wish.

Spider diagram notes

As we are thinking about rainforest animals, I have included a reading comprehension all about pythons.

Pythons Comprehension 1

Pythons Comprehension 2

Pythons Comprehension 3

This afternoon is our science afternoon.  Today we are looking at healthy eating.  Perhaps this is for the best after looking at the Tudor diet earlier in the week.

Here is the PowerPoint.

Healthy Eating PowerPoint

Here are the sheets.

Food Sorting activity

Sample food journal

Healthy menu

I hope you have a lovely day.

Big virtual hugs from Mrs Pope