Home learning Wednesday 27th January

Hi everyone. How’s it going? Here are our activities for Wednesday.

Wake Up, Shake Up: Big African Animals


Today, we are counting in multiples of 10. Use the 100 square to count in 10s up to 100, painting the numbers as you count. What number would come next if you carried on? With the 10s, this is harder to think of as can’t see the number! Paint the Squares

If you are yellow group for maths, keep the painted 100 square displayed whilst you cut and stick the multiples of 10 in order: counting in 10s cut and stick

Greens for maths: Tomato Ketchup 10s

Blues for maths: Activity Cards – Count in 10s

You may also want to use the Duck Shoot game to practise counting in multiples of 10. It’s always much harder when we don’t start at 0! Click on the ’10’ duck: Duck Shoot


Today, we are going to remind ourselves what ‘plural’ means (more than one). So far we have looked at adding ‘s’ to turn one thing into more than one. For example, cat becomes cats.

Sometimes though, we add something different to make a plural and this depends on what letter or sound a word ends in.

Watch the video and then take part in the activities: Plurals – adding s or es

If you are in green group or blue group for English, choose three of the words from activity 3 (adding ‘es’) and put them into a full sentence. Remember to use a capital letter to start the sentence and a full stop at the end.


You hopefully now know loads about Julia Donaldson! Today, we are going to write some quiz questions to ask someone else to find out how much they know about Julia Donaldson. For your questions today, you need to make sure that you know the answer to each one!

Have a chat about what a question looks like. Remember that we always use a question mark at the end of each sentence. Can you write down at least five questions that you could ask someone else about Julia Donaldson herself or about her stories. Here are some ideas of things you could ask:

Who are the main characters in ‘The Snail and the Whale’?

What is the setting for ‘Stick Man’?

Can you name a Julia Donaldson book that does not rhyme?

What did Julia Donaldson want to be when she was little?

If you have access to a computer, or if you prefer, you may want to try typing your questions for some keyboard practice.

Once you have written your questions, you could ask a sibling or an adult to try answering them. You could also email them into the class so the children who are at school can try and answer them!


Wednesday afternoons are PE here at school. Here is our third installment of the dance based on ‘The Snail and the Whale’: Save the whale

You may also want to enjoy some yoga using Cosmic Kids:

The Twits yoga

Moana yoga

Enjoy the day, everyone. x