Home learning Tuesday 26th January

Hi everyone. Here are the activities for Tuesday.

Wake Up, Shake UpPizza Dough Boogie


Starter: Practise counting in 5s up to 50, painting the numbers as you do so. Paint the Squares If you were to carry on counting beyond 50, what numbers would come next? How do you know?

All of the numbers that you have painted or said as you counted in 5s are called ‘multiples’ of 5. See if you can remember any of these as you have a quick go at this game (you will need to click on the duck showing ‘5’): Duck Shoot

If you are in yellow group for maths, keep practising counting in 5s either using the 100 square/50 rectangle or by playing the Duck Shoot game.

Greens for maths: count in 5s to complete each row. Patterns of 5

Blues for maths: Have a go at these activities. They are similar to the 2s activities yesterday; again, there is adult guidance given after the activities should you wish to refer to it. Counting in 5s mastery


What does it mean to be ‘hygienic’? Have a chat about this and discuss why it is so important, particularly at the moment! Can you think of at least three different things you need to do in order to stay hygienic? Did you think of these?

Brushing your teeth

Washing your hands

Only touching food that YOU are going to eat!

Washing your face

Do you think people in the Tudor times were as hygienic as we are today? Maybe you found out the other day something about water during the Tudor times. Did the Tudors drink water? See if you can do some research to find any facts out about health and hygiene in the Tudor times. It is quite tricky to find suitable websites aimed at KS1 for this, but here is some suitable information I have found! Tudors daily life


Now that we are reaching the end of our Julia Donaldson unit, I want you to think about one of the stories that you have enjoyed. Use the book review template to write about the characters and the setting and to reflect on what you liked about the story. book review


For today’s art, you may still need to do the activity set last week, practising using chalk for the beams of your Tudor house. If you have done this, find a picture on the internet of a Tudor house with really amazing windows. This website is a good place to start: Tudor windows

Focus on the actual window and, using only pencil, sketch it. Make sure you include all the detail that you can see. Is there a pattern on the window?


Today, we are learning about i-e. We call this ‘I split e’ and it is a split digraph. Start by watching Geraldine: GG i-e

Can you read the i-e words using this interactive (click on ‘phase 5’ and then ‘i-e’)? sound sayer game

Have a great day, everyone!

Mrs Garcia x