Tuesday 26th

On earlier posts I have put the maths and English work.

I would like to remind you that the planning for the whole week is on google classroom so if you want to move things around you can.

As teams is available during every lesson I would suggest that you look at what you will be doing the next day, whenever you can, so you know whether you will understand the work.

If you don’t think you will understand it then PLEASE join the lesson whilst I am teaching it.

Maths is  9:00 – 10:00 and English is 11:00 – 12:00. At 12:00 I always read the class book.

On a Tuesday afternoon the children in school will be having Crossbar for a PE lesson. If you would like to do a physical activity at the same time you might decide to complete a Joe wicks activity, go for a walk, go on your bike or something else.

I will be in the classroom in the afternoon so if you want me to go over anything that is a perfect time to ask.