Tuesday 26th January, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and History.


Remember when we looked at writing a newspaper report last term you wrote a newspaper article about the three little pigs. I have put the link below so you can watch it again.


I would like you to think of another fairy tale or a nursery rhyme that you could change slightly and write a newspaper report about it. It could be about Humpty Dumpty who went for a walk up Pontesford Hill and was pushed down!

Today, plan out your newspaper report. Think about the headline, the 5 W paragraph, sub-headlines and any quotations you might want to include.

newspaper_report_plan blank


Today, we are looking at identifying acute and obtuse angles in 2-D shapes.

Remember an acute angle is less than a right angle. An obtuse angle is greater than a right angle but less than a straight angle.

Look at the PowerPoint and then try Challenge 2 on the PowerPoint.

BusyAnt_y4 2-D shapes

Once you have finished Challenge 2, you might want to write the letters of the shapes in Challenge 2 that have:

  1. at least two acute angles
  2. at least two obtuse angles
  3. two pairs of acute angles and two pairs of obtuse angles.


As you know we are looking at the Anglo-Saxons and Scots this term.

I have put the booklet below that we will be using.


Take a look at the PowerPoint and then read through lesson one in the booklet and answer the questions.

Anglo-Saxons Slides – L1.171964081 (1)