Tuesday 26th January

Hi everyone, I hope you are all still doing well at home. I’m missing you all lots! Here is our work for today.


Morning activity

Today I would like you to write your name, have a look at the letters in it. Can you think of something that begins with each letter of your name and draw a picture of it?

For example, for ‘Miss’ I might draw a picture of a mouse, an igloo, a snake and a sock. Have fun!


Letters and sounds

Tuesday 26th



You will need to get the flashcards that you made yesterday ready for todays lesson. First, can you have a look at all the numbers and say what each number is? Did you need help, or did you know it really quickly? If you needed help, they are the ones that you’ll need to keep having a go at.

Then, can you use your flashcards and put them in order to 10?

Then order them backwards.

Then get a grown up to take some numbers away, can you order them now and work out which ones are missing?

Have a go at these activities a few times so you get really familiar with recognising and ordering all the numbers to 10.


Afternoon activity

In Room 4, we LOVE children who are really independent and have a go at doing something by themselves before they ask for help.

Today I would like you to have a think about some things that you could be a bit more independent at. Maybe you could learn how to:

  • Fold your clothes
  • Make your bed
  • Lay the table for dinner
  • Put your shoes and socks on by yourself
  • Cut up your food

Have a think about something that you’d like to be a little bit more independent with and have a go at doing it today! You will be so proud of yourself when you learn to do something by yourself that you couldn’t do before!



Enjoy a bedtime story from Cbeebies today. 

Bedtime Story


I hope you all have a good day,

Miss Roberts x